What is the perspective of the Palestinian liberation struggle?

Introductory contribution for the event "Internationalism Live" on the topic “Fight against the threatening conflagration in the Middle East. What is the perspective of the Palestinian liberation struggle?” by Monika Gärtner-Engel, Gabi Fechtner and Reinhard Funk on December 10, 2023, in Gelsenkirchen

Coalition government fails due to capitalist laws - Strengthen the socialist alternative! Coalition government fails due to capitalist laws - Strengthen the socialist alternative!

Interview with Gabi Fechtner, Party Chairwoman of the MLPD, on the climax of the open political crisis in Germany with the break-up of the coalition government of SPD/FDP/The Greens, on the election of the fascist Donald Trump as the new US President, on the material basis of the world economic and financial crisis, and on the candidacy of the Internationalist List/MLPD for the new elections on February 23, 2025.

Assad overthrown in Syria! Hands off Rojava!

1. In Aleppo, Damascus and in many cities around the world, Syrians are celebrating the fall of the detested fascist dictator Assad with great joy. Bashar Al-Assad and his father Hafiz Al-Assad are responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people. 14 million had to flee from the terror regime of Assad, from the Islamic State ISIS and from the army of the fascist Erdogan regime.

A great and hard-won success: Federal Election Commissioner pulls the ripcord and withdraws her threatened ban on the MLPD's participation in the national elections!

At an extraordinary meeting on 10 December 2024, the Federal Election Committee decided by majority vote that the MLPD should not be allowed to participate in the early elections. It gave flimsy and pretextual formal reasons for this. Since then, the MLPD has taken all political, social, legal and formal measures against this anticommunist act of repression. It was widely publicized and a powerful campaign launched under the motto “Now more than ever!”